Tuesday, 10 March 2015

New breed of celebrities

Once upon a time, the term celebrity was associated with individuals who possessed a talent and used their talent in order to hold a career, whether that be singing, acting or even modelling!

However, now there’s a new breed of celebrities.
PR mediums, newspapers, magazines and the internet are no longer filled with stories of Hollywood stars or the achievements of individualsBut instead they are replaced with stories and updates of reality TV stars, blogger’s/Vloggers, and YouTubers. These kind of celebrity status are built upon their fame and public attention in the media making them some of the most famous and richest celebrities in the world!
The Kardashian Klan are worth an eye popping $80m!
and as a family have a following of 115.2 million Instagram followers

Likewise, 24 year old blogger Zoe Sugg or better known as Zoella originally from a quiet village in Wiltshire, has become a cyberspace superstar with a whopping 7,544,284 million YouTube subscribers, and 4million Instagram followers!!

Zoella began creating blog posts and Vlogs surrounding the themes of beauty and fashion. 

However Zoella as a brand has quickly advanced. 
She now tackles more serious issues and is often referred to as a role model since being appointed as an ambassador for the mental health charity Mind.

It is clear Zoella has found a new way of empowering the minds of young people.
And, Zoella’s power hasn't gone unnoticed.    

 In 2014 Zoella:
  • Won the BBC Radio 1 - Teen Awards 2014: Best British Vlogger
  • Wrote her own novel “Girl Online” which was published through penguin books.
  • And even bought her own 1 million pound house in Sussex!! (pretty good going for a 24 year old!)
However Online Girl was only the brink of Zoella’s celebrity status and success.

 The celebrity comic relief Great British Bake Off! 
Since, Zoella has interviewed celebrities, such as: One-Direction and made several appearances on national television:

- Good Morning Britain
- Loose Women
- This Morning

Nevertheless there is no doubt Zoella or the Kardashians would not be where they are today without the power of social media. They both are key examples of how social media plays a key role in launching this new breed of celebrities.

Social media apps such as: Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook create digital multi-media platforms for anyone and everyone! And have the power to be accessed anywhere in the world! Allowing celebrities to connect to different age groups and different people all over the world just by a click of a button! 

Ultimately, social media apps give new and upcoming stars the ability of free publicity!
Free publicity which is designed purely by them and only them! Goodbye to the formal days of PR teams and hello to the new age of the PR one man band letting individuals decide by themselves how they and their image is portrayed to the public!

Another example of a social media star who has achieved fame and success through their usage of social media is 21 year old Ben Phillips. 

Read the article below and tell us what you think of Ben Phillips' success and the power of the new breed of celebrities! 

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  1. I really enjoyed this blog post! I found it truly eye-opening and some what shocking the details and the truth behind each of the celebrities written above.
    I also found it interesting how upcoming celebrities use social media as a foundation to build their career/branding and to control their own PR.
    However I don't think the Kardashians, Zoella and Ben Phillips should be labelled as "new breed of celebrities" as I believe that's far too vague as each of the listed have lead completely different lives and careers.

  2. Thanks Megan I'm glad you enjoyed reading the post and all of the points made!
    In hindsight I do agree with you! There is a big difference between the Kardashians, Zoella and Ben Phillips as they have all gained publicity and fame in contrasting ways! However the main issue which was being conveyed was this new breed of celebrities are now in control of their own PR and can increase their celebrity status from the power of social networking.

    Thank you so much for your comments!!
