Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Celeb and The Social Media

Celebrities utilise social media sites for multiple reasons and you can guarantee a reaction will occur, even from one tweet, picture or status!  Public Relations plays a big part with celebrities gaining social media presence, with PR stunts, endorsement etc   

Media trends are something that took social media platforms by storm in 2014, from 'Nek nominate', 'no makeup selfie' and the 'Ice Bucket Challenge' everyone was taking part and celebrities also did their part, some for the good of the cause…and others pleasing their fans. Christiano Renaldo pleased his female fans with a topless Ice Bucket Challenge that received over 3 million views!!

Phooorr, Renaldo doing his part for charity

In relation to trends lets take a look at how Kim Kardasian ‘broke the internet’ - one of the biggest PR stunts of 2014! 
Last year in November 2014, Kim K paired up with Magazine Paper and featured on their front cover with some very revealing images.

Paper exclaimed that their aim was to ‘break the internet’ in their monthly issue.
They knew they wanted to use Kim to succeed in this aim by saying

‘Kim is what makes the web tick’ 

How did Kim get to be this social media phenomenon? Was it through such revealing images, even before the breaking of the internet?
Well Kim reveals
‘I think we really evolved with social media’

In relation to her and the family of Kardasians after their hit MTV show Keeping Up With The Kardasians

Did the stunt really ‘break the internet’ ??
Well it certainly caused some laughter amongst social media, with plenty of parodies

Multiple parodies took to social media after Kim's front cover was revealed 

I will now reveal how some celebs have acquired their crazy amount of followers on their social media pages.
Can some celebs be seen as addicted to social media? Do they really have to post that sort of photo to please their fans?

Lets take a look at notorious pop singer Rihanna…

Twitter followers: 23.8 million
Facebook fans: 59.6 million
The 24-year-old makes good use of social media, tweeting often and controversially.

She curses and posts photos of herself partying in places like strip clubs.
Is she taking it too far??

In April 2014 she posted photos that looked like she was using drugs, can this be seen as being so addicted, that sometimes you forgot the damage a simple post can cause??

RiRi lighting two giant spliffs 

Miley Cyrus is another celeb that causes some controversy on social media but can she also be classed as ‘addicted’?
She recently hit out against social media, describing Instagram, Facebook and Googling yourself as worse than drugs.
She goes on to say that Googling yourself can mess with your brain because of the abusive language used on the social media sites.

This was said after the singer posted a photo of herself smoking marijuana, yet believes the comments on social media are worse for your brain.

Hmmm I think most of us would have to disagree with you there Miley. She still carries on with her social media posts to:

Twitter: 19.3 million
Facebook: over 50 million

Miley, posting semi-nude photos on her Instagram

So I’ll end this blog post with a quick recap…

Social media trends are MASSIVE, everyone loves to take part, especially when its for a good cause and I recommend watching Renaldos topless Ice Bucket Challenge. Taking part is one effective PR technique that can get audiences involved and talking, being physically or virtually. 

Did Kim K really ‘break the internet’? Even if it was through others creating parodies of her revealing photos?

Can RiRi and Cyrus be classed as ‘addicated’ to their social media sites, even if claiming they could be worse than drugs?

I’ll leave you with those questions, sleep tight, tweet right x
Lannie01 Web Developer

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  1. I really enjoyed looking at the social media trends spoken about in this post in PR perspective. Celebrity’s social media pages are always in the news and it was interesting to see you explain how and why they would post some of the things they do.
    Although it’s now obvious that celebrities may do some of the things they do as part of a PR stunt, it still entertains me and keeps me interested in what they are posting on social media.

  2. Thanks Georgina, there are plenty of other ways celebrities entertain the public in way of attracting the press. These are just some of the ways PR stunts have helped to demonstrate that, other posts can exaggerate on this!
